In early March, Carolyn and Andrew Clark welcomed their daughter Audrey who was a milestone child in their family.

Baby Audrey. Source: Daily Mail

When Carolyn's husband, Andrew, first told her about his family's unique gender history, she didn't believe him. But when they found out she was pregnant, they were happy regardless of the baby's sex. Carolyn said they were happy to have a healthy baby, but the fact that it would be a girl was an unforgettable moment for them.

The gender revealing party. Source: Daily Mail

It's a girl! Source: Daily Mail

The Clark family shared their story in an interview with Daily Mail. Carolyn said they were pleasantly surprised when they found out they were having a daughter. She noted that at first she didn't even believe her husband when he told her that no girl was born in his family for over 130 years. However, his parents confirmed this information and explained that they had no girls in direct line, but had uncles and cousins who had daughters.

Happy family. Source: Daily Mail

Thus, baby Audrey was destined to become the first girl in her father's family in 138 years. The birth of their daughter has brought many happy moments and emotions for Carolyn and Andrew, and they hope that Audrey will grow up healthy, happy, and full of energy.

Carolyn and Andrew's 4-year-old son is holding his little sister. Source: Daily Mail

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Source: Daily Mail

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