On November 20, 2021, Beatriz Flamini, an extreme mountaineer, voluntarily descended into an underground cave. For 500 days, the woman had no contact with the outside world and saw neither people nor the Sun. Recently Flamini has re-emerged to the surface. It took Beatrice a full 8 days to get from a 230-foot-deep cave. On her return, the woman had to learn everything she had missed during the year spent in underground.

Source: trendymen

Flamini was one of the participants in a major scientific research to study the human mind. A support group was constantly monitoring her at the cave, but they were strictly forbidden to communicate.

Source: trendymen

Beatrice received all food and other necessary things in a special point halfway to the exit. Members of the team brought the necessary stuff there and quickly left, so as not to meet the woman.

Source: trendymen

During these staggering 500 days, Flamini woman read more than 60 books, drank thousands of gallons of water, and got completely used to solitude. She later admitted that she was not so eager to return to the surface.

Source: trendymen

It took Flamini eight days to get to the surface. So much had happened since November 2021 that she got news gradually. The video captures moments when Beatrice emerges:

Source: trendymen

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