A 96-year-old woman from Toronto has put her house up for sale. It is the house under the roof of which she has lived for over 70 years! Some people may wonder why she is selling her home. The answer is quite simple. The elderly lady can no longer take care of it.

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It looks like an ordinary house... but look at the interior!

The lady has even managed to preserve the 1950s style!

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The elderly woman worked as a dressmaker. Looking at her house, we can say with certainty that she did her job quite well.

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Each room is decorated in the appropriate color scheme. The kitchen looks like a pastel pink paradise!

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In this small corner, you can sit by the window and enjoy your meal or read a little.

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The woman's late husband was against this color, but the woman stood her ground.

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The bathroom is impeccably styled.

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If you go downstairs, you will find a cocktail bar there.

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There is another kitchen on the lower floor.

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Even the backyard will surprise you!

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A wonderful house, isn't it?

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