Based on data on the evolutionary process, anthropologists have been able to make a 3D model of the human being of the future. If they are right, then our appearance will change dramatically in 1000 years. A human from the year 3000 may look completely different.

The scientists named the model Mindy. It is assumed that in the future, people will work even more mostly in front of a monitor and their lives will be completely dependent on tech. Their necks will be constantly stretched out to look down at smartphones. Because of this, the neck muscles will become more massive and powerful, and the back will curve in an arc.

Source: Toll Free Forwarding

The skull of the human of the future will be thickened. Experts believe that without it, the brain will be too exposed to radiation from gadgets. One hand is likely to be permanently moulded into a 'text claw,' the elbow will be fixed at the 90-degree angle.

Source: Toll Free Forwarding

But that's not all. In the year 3000, people will presumably have a second set of eyelids to filter out the light emitted by gadgets.

Source: Toll Free Forwarding

Of course, evolution could very well go the other way. Mindy is just a grotesque model that may encourage people to spend less time with their devices.

Source: trendymen

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