Officers James Givens and Cecilia Charron of Cincinnati, Ohio, were patrolling a park area when they spotted a goose. The bird approached the car and began knocking its beak on the door. James Givens thought it was hungry, so he threw it some food, but the anxious bird wouldn't leave.

The policeman realized that the goose needed something, for it stood still, making excited noises. Then the officers got out of the car and followed the bird.

The goose led the officers to a pond. There, in the grass, they saw a little chick that could not move.

At that moment the policeman got the reason for the mother's anxiety. One of its chicks got entangled in a string. The baby could not get out on its own, so the caring mother came to the people for help. While the officers were untangling the string, the mother goose walked around and honked. After a quick release, the chick was back by its mother's side.

Source: petpop

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