We are not the only ones who choose our pets. Our four-legged friends also decide who will be their master, and sometimes it is very hard to argue with them. Gary, a blind 8-year-old dog, ended up on the streets. He was soon picked up by the volunteers who brought him to a dog shelter where he spent 4 years. His life there was not so bad, but it was pretty lonely.

In November 2020, a volunteer from the Polish city of Gdynia took Gary in. The doggie believed that at last he had acquired a real family. He hoped that he got not just a roof over his head and a bowl of food, but regular walks and little playmates. Most of all, Gary liked the owners' little daughter. But after three weeks, it was time for the 12-year-old dog to move on. A senior man from another town was ready to take him in permanently.

Source: Unsplash

The man thought that the elderly dog would be great company for him, and they would live their last years together. He made a contract with the shelter, and Gary went to Zhukovo. Despite the fact that the new owner surrounded the pet with care, the dog longed for the old days and funny games with the little girl. He broke free of his collar and ran away.

Zhukovo was in 40 minutes’ drive from Gdynia. However, it took the old blind dog 5 days to walk to the town where his little mistress lived. It was snowy and freezing, but Gary did not give up. He found his old house and, tired, fell asleep on the doorstep. Later the old dog was found by the girl to whom he had gone all that way. Volunteers and the elderly man decided to respect the dog's decision. He would stay in his home and his former owner would find another dog.

Source: novochag

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