The poor baby rhino was extremely frightened when he found himself in the middle of the swamp all alone. But thanks to his mother's support he managed to get out.

One day in India's Kaziranga National Park, a mother rhino and her baby were making their way through a swamp when suddenly the calf got stuck in the mud and couldn't even move. "His mother didn't know it until she turned around and saw that the baby rhino couldn't move. He looked so helpless and tired," said Sanjeev Chadha, a photographer who managed to capture the moment.

Source: Legion Media

"She raised her head towards the calf, as if telling it to come – suddenly I saw the calf gather all its energy and start moving towards its mother," Chadha shared.

It was due to the mother's support that the baby rhino was able to believe in itself and find the strength to make it out of the mud. The mama rhinoceros kissed the frightened baby, which surprised the photographer, and embraced it tenderly, as if to praise the calf for its courage.

Source: Unsplash

Rhino calves live with their mothers until they are 2 – 4 years old. Therefore, this incredibly touching moment cannot be called unexpected. After all, the relationship between a mother rhinoceros and her calf is the closest bond that these usually solitary animals have.

Source: The Dodo

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