Walking in the Dartmouth city park in Canada Brian Thompson saw a curious sight: some man drove a red wooden cart through the snow with a dog lying wrapped in a blanket and having a comfortable pillow under its head. Brian watched what was happening and seemed admired by the ingenious solution for walking an apparently sick dog.

So on December 20, 2019 he shared his impression on Facebook: «I don’t know this man personally and hope he wouldn’t mind me making a post about him. This amazing guy takes his dog for a walk in the park in a cart».

Brian's indifference should be noted: instead of just watching from afar, he approached the owner and started a small conversation. Brayan found out that a dog has got progressive neurodegenerative disease, called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The pet is practically paralyzed and unable to walk without assistance.

«I said to him that he is a remarkable person. Not many people would do so, — Brian wrote. — The man said his dog would take care of him as well if this happened to him. And went on driving his pet by cart».

Brian's touching post spread across the web with an incredible speed. It has been shared over 49,000 times as for now.

According to the Association ALS, disease affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord of a person or dog. As a result, the patient's brain loses the ability to initiate and control muscle movement, which sometimes leads to the inability to walk at all. As the patient's condition gradually worsens, the quality of his life also deteriorates at the same time. That's why Brian's support of his dog's quality of life is so important.

Medical researchers on the treatment of dogs with paralytic diseases don't rule out inventing a treatment for patients with this disease in the future. Until then, a kind and caring owner continues to give his paralyzed pet the joy of walking in the fresh air.

Source: The Epoch Times

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