A house was put up for sale in one of the states of Australia. The temptingly low price attracted many buyers, but after visiting, no one wanted to become the owner of this house. The thing is that the previous owner was a quite lazy person: he has never cleaned the house in 40 years. Besides, the former owner never threw away old useless stuff and only accumulated various junk.

The house before

As a result, in almost half a century, the dwelling has turned into a garbage dump with an unpleasant smell. So, it’s not surprising that after the owner died, nobody wanted to buy his house for a long time.

Neighbors say that the former owner of the dwelling was not a poor man, since he could afford not to work for 40 years and sit at home all the time. But at the same time he was stingy, who saved money on everything, even on janitor. And he felt comfortable, living in the middle of a dump of garbage and mud.

The house before

As well as other potential buyers, the brothers were initially attracted by the low price of housing. Thus, they came from another state to view the house. While the guys were getting there, they thought they had found the perfect budget option. And they had no idea what a disaster they would see in this dwelling. When the brothers arrived at the address, they immediately understood why no one wanted to buy the house. It was impossible to enter it without a gas mask, the acrid, disgusting smell is like it’s embedded in your skin.

The house before

Despite the appalling condition of the house, the brothers still made a deal and started taking out the garbage. It took about two months for them to remove all the rubbish. At times the young people began to regret buying the house. But when all the rooms were finally cleaned, it became clear that housing was quite good.

The house after

One of the main advantages of the building was the high ceiling. On the ground floor they managed to make a huge hall with panoramic windows overlooking the courtyard. Nearby, they equipped a kitchen-studio that connects with the living room. The office turned out to be small, but comfortable.

The house after

Four bedrooms were located on the second floor: two of them were intended for brothers and two others were guest rooms. In addition, there was enough space for a large hall.

The house after

On the plot adjacent to the house, guys made a lawn and a large pool. The brothers also managed to build a large terrace for the time off.

Brothers decorated the entire interior of the house in light colors. They decided to furnish the house only with the necessary furniture in order not to overload the space. As a result, the brothers got a stylish and comfortable home, which they had dreamed of for a long time.

Source: Zen Yandex

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