Michelle and Ros were incredibly happy when they found out that they were having their third child. But the unexpected happened: in the seventh week of pregnancy, a woman was pierced by a sharp pain in the abdomen.

Michelle and Ros

She didn’t pay much attention to the pain at first. But when Michelle saw blood on her pants, it became clear that something was wrong. She immediately went to the hospital, where the expectant mother’s worst fears were confirmed.

Father with his children

It was very difficult for him and Ross to cope with grief. The main consolation of the couple at that moment was the children.

At the insistence of doctors, the woman took pills that were necessary to cleanse the uterus and prevent infection. After a hard night in the hospital room, Michelle returned home, where she immediately began to drown her grief in wine. The next day, she took a pregnancy test on the instruction of doctors. That was to make sure that there were no signs of pregnancy left in her body. Since the result was positive she was scheduled for uterine curettage.

But when she came to the clinic for the procedure 10 days later, something amazing happened: ultrasound showed that a small heart continues to beat in the womb of a woman! Michel was still pregnant.

Ultrasound picture

How was it possible? The thing was that originally the woman was carrying twins. So when she miscarried at 7 weeks pregnant, she lost one baby, but the other continued to live. Even the most experienced doctors could not understand how the baby managed to survive.

When Michelle found out the good news, her happiness knew no bounds! She endured and gave birth to a girl, who was named Megan.

Little fighter

When Michelle found out the good news, her happiness knew no bounds! She endured and gave birth to a girl, who was named Megan. Despite the fact that this has hardly happened before, Megan is alive, healthy and never ceases to please her parents, sister and brother.

Megan with her older siblings

The miscarriage or the pills or the alcohol did’t cripple the baby. This is a true miracle, which Michelle and Ros call God's gift.

This is how the life of little Megan began in the most incredible way. Most importantly, this amazing story ended with a happy ending!

Sourse: Storyfox

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