A resident of Great Britain, 52-year-old Susan Herdman, won the lottery twelve years ago and officially became a millionaire. Let’s find out how she managed to avoid temptation and save her money.

Buying lottery tickets has always been something of a tradition in Susan's family. Her father used to buy them all the time. And later she followed suit. Susan was sure that one day she would get lucky, but at the same time she hasn’t been sitting idly. Everyone in their family worked equally hard on the farm. As for Susan, she found her first job as a teenager. And the following early marriage and the birth of a son only increased her responsibilities and duties.

Susan also had a beauty salon, which was her project and sole source of income. She was engaged not only in hairdressing, but managed all administrative work as well. It’s not for nothing that they say that it is always darkest just before dawn. At the moment when the woman was required to pay a deposit for a new house, things went from bad to worse. The only thing that could have helped was a miracle. And suddenly the weekly purchase of a lottery ticket turned into luck: all the numbers matched. Susan could hardly believe that a miracle had happened.

Well, everything worked out. But the question arose what to do with this amount. But Susan kept her head. The woman knew many stories about how unexpected millionaires quickly spent their winnings on luxury items and entertainment. And in some cases, people’s lives turned into tragedy because of the influence of big money. That’s why Susan decided to be careful with her money.

First of all, she bought gifts for her family and then went to a karaoke bar with friends to celebrate her good fortune.

Susan on a farm

Next she bought a comfortable motorhome, which was quite a practical decision. Otherwise, her lifestyle hasn’t changed. Susan continued to shop at regular malls and outlet stores, rather than go shopping at brand stores. Big money did not become a source of temptations for her, but a reliable financial cushion and the opportunity to do what she loves.

Susan on a farm

So Susan quit her job at the beauty salon and went into animal husbandry. On her farm, she raises pigs and does vegetable farming. She also manages to do charity work, but not for show. But still, thanks to social networks, it became known that last year with the beginning of the lockdown Susan’s family had delivered vegetables to the residentes of the city for free. Primary to those who needed help the most: to shelter for disabled children and lonely people.

Source: Lemurov.net

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