Half a century ago, no matter how many children a mother bears during one pregnancy, they were definitely fertilized in the traditional way. And now we have to specify, if applicable: «Was the insemination natural or artificial?» With artificial insemination, twins are not rare cases. However, this phenomenon is still rare with natural insemination, as turned out for Sian William and Aaron Palfrey. The couple’s three daughters were conceived in traditional way and they are unique identical triplets!

A couple waiting for babies


The pregnancy was planned, but the future parents were expecting and calculating the budget for only one child. Sian, a 31-year-old financial agency worker, is aware of how difficult it is to raise children nowadays. Sian’s husband is younger than her, but he is also under no illusions about the process. So, when the doctor first caught the second heartbeat, and then the third, the couple was discouraged. But when at the 15th week it became clear that it would be triplets, all the difficulties faded into the background for them.

Ultrasound picture

Happy parents

Because the daughters are absolutely identical in appearance, the mother had to use different colored nail polish to distinguish them. The couple sold their beautiful Mercedes to buy a roomy Land Rover, where it is easier to put three child seats at once. It’s hard to deny that the problems with triplets are three times more than with a single child. But, at the same time, Sian and Aaron have three times greater resource of happiness as well. Besides, it’s kind of a reward for Sian, given that she lost all her grandparents during the last year. Therefore, the girls appeared just in time to fill the void of her loss.

Baby girls

Baby girls

The girls were named Yorgi, Belle and Olivia. And they already have a favorite color: pink, the same as mom’s.

Source: Wales News Service

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