The owner of the farm sheltered a pair of eagles and took care of them as his pets. Recently an amazing event took place, which he didn’t expect: a female eagle laid two eggs. The farmer was very happy. And then he came up with an interesting idea. He took one eagle’s egg and gave it to the hen to see if she would take care of the chick when it grew up. And he put a chicken egg in the eagle’s nest. those who followed the experiment on the network liked it a lot.

Eagle eggs

The baby chick hatched after a while.

Eagle and hen's chick

One day the eagles made such a fuss that the farmer thought they somehow understood the substitution. The farmer thought it was their resentment, but it was all right.

Eagle and hen's chick

Eventually the eagles calmed down, but they still wouldn’t accept the chicken. They began to take care of their own baby birds and completely ignored the little yellow miracle.

As for hen, she took the big eagle baby calmly and was taking care of it as well as her chicks.

Eagle with its offspring

So the farmer stopped the experiment and returned the chicks to their parents.

Eagle with its offspring

Surprisingly, the Eagles immediately accepted him and ran to feed and king for him. And the chicken, it seems, didn't even notice that something had changed.

Source: Facebook

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