The dog, named Weiss has been making regular visits to local clinic. He was a German Shepherd. He also was blindingly beautiful and smart, well-mannered, was an exelent defender. At the same time the dog was incredibly affectionate, good-natured and gentle.

Weiss’s owner was a responsable person and had been watchng dog’s health carrifully. So they visited clinic quite often. It could be the slightest reason: a sore leg, brushung teeth, vaccination or regular check-up. Clinic workers always treated Weiss to tasty goodies.


Weiss had one unique characteristic: during the vaccination or other procedures, that he didn't like he would clutch his teeth on the doctor’s sleeve and squeeze his eyes shut. Several years later, when Weiss turned fourteen years old, he was diagnosed with cancer.

For two years, his owner and all the doctors at the clinic have been trying to cure Weiss. And still, he clenched the doctor’s clothes with his teeth and squinted his eyes at the frequent injections, waiting for the unpleasant procedure to end. But the cancer was stronger, and in the end it beat Weiss.

At 6:00 a.m. the owner called the clinic: «Weiss has gone limp, his blazes pumped out». Then the nurse came to the house, put in an IV drip and injected painkillers. She also drew blood for a test. The nurse came back to the clinic all teary-eyed and scared. From the tests they got at the clinic it was clear that Weiss’s life was going to end any minute.

Twelve hours later, the owner called again. After a long and hard conversation he said: «I can’t bear to see him hurt. We will come to the clinic…».Nurses and doctors were choking back tears. The owner and his wife had arrived and Weiss was on the owner’s arm. The clinic staff said it was as if he was bursting from within at the sight of the once strong and handsome dog, who was now completely emaciated and powerless.


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