The two cats Fedya and Murzik were among the nominees for the international award My Affectionate Pet. The prize is awarded to animals that have performed important and worthy deeds, widely covered by the media in 2022.

Source: Instagram

Fedya the cat has won the heart of social media users thanks to his unusual eyes. The story of the cat with a very special appearance is unusual too. One day his mom, who was pregnant and homeless at the moment, came into the yard of Natalia. The kitty looked like a purebred Scottish fold, so Natalia couldn't withstand the beauty and decided to take her in at once. The cat mom gave birth to two kittens, one of which was Fedya. Since Fedya had some health issues, the woman decided that she wouldn't put him up for adoption.

Source: Instagram

"Fedya had coordination problems and allergies, but I've been able to nurse him back to health. When he grew up, it turned out that this gray beauty has an unusual appearance," she said. Now Fedya is popular on Instagram - his account boasts 137,000 subscribers.

Source: Instagram

The cat-blogger Fedya uses the funds raised on the Internet to support a shelter for homeless dogs and cats. Now there are 35 cats and 15 dogs living in it.

Source: Instagram

Another cat named Murzyk saved his family from a poisonous viper in the summer of 2022. According to his owner whose name is also Natalia, that day the reeds near the local river caught fire. Because of this, the reptiles began to crawl into the nearby houses, including the woman's one.

Source: pets.mail

The cat rushed into the fight when he saw a snake. Although the reptile managed to bite him, the furry protector killed it. Fortunately, after feeling sick for several days, the kitty has made a full recovery and now is thriving.

Source: pets.mail

Source: pets.mail

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