Volunteers took a dog named Molly from very bad owners. Molly was so scared that she wouldn't even eat. Her only desire was to get out of her new home. The new owners did everything they could to try to regain the pet's trust.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Molly's life was not an easy one. She was abused and her face was burnt. Her former owners kept a large kennel and sold puppies. No one bought Molly, however, so they stopped taking care of her and gave her almost no food.

Volunteers happened to find out about Molly and insisted on taking her in. When the dog was brought to a new home, Molly was extremely scared, staying as pressed up against the door as she could possibly get.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Source: YouTube screenshot

It took the new owners fifteen whole days to regain the dog's trust. But at last Molly had calmed down, she realized she was safe now:

In the end, the volunteers adopted Molly. To give her to other people would have been to betray her trust again.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Source: YouTube screenshot

Source: trendymen.com

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