Mako is a rescue pit bull who acts like a cat. He jumps on tables, the fridge, chills with his feline friends, and has adopted many feline habits. Mako's owners never cease to be amazed at the wacky antics of their adorable cat-dog!

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Mako the pit bull was taken in from a shelter when he was two years old

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The family had cats in their home and were worried about how the felines would react to their new family member and whether Mako would be stressed out. But to their surprise Mako turned out to be a perfect companion to cat.

In addition to getting along well with the cats from the very first day, Mako also started behaving like a cat.

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In the first few days, he boldly jumped onto tables with his new cat friends. Also, he somehow managed to climb onto the fridge!

Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram

Even the cats were shocked by such a new friend!

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The owners, meanwhile, have concluded that the 2-year-old Mako has clearly grown up among cats, copying their behavior and some of their habits

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He even sleeps next to the cats and in "cat" positions, spreading his paws out to the sides

Source: Instagram

Mako does everything together with the cats

Source: Instagram

He boldly jumps on tables, kitchen cabinets, and even the fridge

Source: Instagram

Mako loves spending time with cats, and is sure he is one of them

Source: Instagram

Mako and his funny cat habits

Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram


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