Julia bought a small snow-white kitten and named him Kefir after the fermented milk drink. She took the baby home, but after a few weeks she noticed its unusual behavior. The pet was clearly growing too fast and was getting too big. Eight months later, the white kitten was almost the size of an adult German Shepherd. And at night he developed an unusual habit of growling.

Source: Instagram

The woman bought the kitten when he was very small. She even had to bottle-feed him since Kefir was weak and could not eat solid food.

Source: Instagram

But that time passed quickly. By the end of the first month the cat got stronger and became accustomed to his new home. He needed more and more food. He wouldn't eat dry cat food and Julia started to feed him only with meat.

Source: Instagram

Kefir was growing even faster on this diet. His character had changed. He still loved his owner, but he wouldn't let any of Julia's guests near him. By the end of the year the cat had the same weight as an average two-year-old child, which is too much even for a Maine Coon.

Source: Instagram

"At night I could hear him growling. Usually at the door. Apparently, he tries to guard the house, Kefir has a very good sense of smell," Julia says.

Source: Instagram

Most likely, the woman bought a cross of Maine Coon with another large breed. Now Julia plans to show her pet to the vet:

For his size, Kefir has a very calm character. He continues to growl only at night.

Source: trendymen.com

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