Cats are a lot like people. They have their own favorite and hateful things, but, unlike people, never hide their opinions about them. Pumpkin the cat, for example, really dislikes the wind, and his attitude to this weather phenomenon is written all over his little face. And he is so adorably angry at the air movement that he's become a meme.

The orange cat's emotional reaction to the wind has won people's hearts

Source: Instagram

Pumpkin was one of the kittens rescued by his current owner, Tia Stoddard. The mother cat and several of her kittens have found their forever homes, while Pumpkin and his brother Mustachio have stayed with Stoddard.

Pumpkin turned out to be a hiking enthusiast, and he has had a plenty of outdoor adventures with his owners.

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The family has recently decided to take the cats to the beach, and at first things were great

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But then the wind started to pick up, and Pumpkin suddenly realized that he just hated the wind with all his kitty heart

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The dissatisfaction with this weather phenomenon cannot not be concealed

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"Ew, who are you blowing on, stupid wind!"

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"And who are you taking pictures of?"

Source: Instagram

Looking at these pictures, people can't help smiling

"Pumpkin, I love you!" one person wrote.

"Hey, he looks like I've really hurt his folks," another added.

"Just a cute little face," a third concluded.

Internet users liked the cat's reaction to nature so much that he has become a meme

Source: Instagram

The cat's sassy face was placed next to a hesitant Chris Hemsworth as Thor, and their expressions turned out to be ridiculously similar.

Stoddard joked that if the cat was a human, he wouldn't have posted photos like this

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A profile picture and a photo of you being tagged by your friends.

"What kind of Pumpkin are you today?"

Source: Instagram

According to Stoddard, Pumpkin has been to the beach several more times since that incident, but he never got used to the strong wind. Anyway, people can once again admire his charming angry face!

Source: Instagram


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