You can either damage or preserve nature. The architects of these houses taken the latter approach. These century-old trees have not been cut down, but integrated into the design of the buildings. After all, urbanization is one of the main factors in deforestation.

So why not try to integrate the houses into the urban environment?

A kindergarten around a tree

Source: bigpicture

Source: bigpicture

Source: bigpicture

The tree was first!

Source: bigpicture

The Tea House

Source: bigpicture

Casa Vogue

Source: bigpicture

An apartment building in Tehran

Source: bigpicture

A hotel terrace

Source: bigpicture

A hole in the fence

Source: bigpicture

A pizzeria

Source: bigpicture

A staircase

Source: bigpicture

A glass house around a tree

Source: bigpicture

Source: bigpicture

A treehouse

Source: bigpicture

Source: bigpicture

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