Despite being world famous, it is possible to become an outcast in your country. A Brit mom says she may have to recognize her son as non-binary (someone who doesn't identify as either exclusively male or exclusively female) so that he can keep his luxurious hair while attending high school.

Source: Instagram screenshot

Strict rules in British schools forbid boys to have long hair, and the little handsome boy is afraid to even imagine going to a barber. Find out what his mom has come up with to beat the system.

Farouk James, 8, from Fulham, England, is a model. He has more than 260,000 followers on his Instagram account, and it's all thanks to his stunning hair. He has already been to New York and Florence showing off his gorgeous hair on the runways and has collaborated with children's clothing brands including Guess.

Source: Instagram screenshot

Single mother Bonnie Miller, 41, is outraged that British high schools forbid boys to wear long hair. In many educational institutions in the country boys are forced to cut their hair short. The woman believes this is discrimination because girls can wear long braids. She says she will have to recognize Farouk as gender fluid (not feeling either exclusively male or exclusively female) in order for her son to keep his luxurious locks.

Source: Instagram screenshot

Bonnie has launched a petition demanding that the ban on long hair for boys in British schools be lifted. The woman says Brits are constantly told to be tolerant and support diversity, but in fact, strict school rules go against that.

Source: Instagram screenshot

The mother wants to enroll her son in a mixed school, so she can use every loophole in the law so that Farouk can keep his long braids. To do this, she is ready to declare that he is a non-binary person. Bonnie believes that transgender people will also benefit from the "hair equality" law.

In elementary school, the little handsome boy was allowed to wear his long curls on the condition that they stay out of his eyes. Miller says that Farouk is intimidated even by the thought of having his hair cut in high school. Many parents supported the woman and shared their bitter experience of having to cut their children's hair and how stressful it was for them.

Source: Instagram screenshot

The handsome boy with the luxurious curls is often asked if he is a girl, but he doesn't care. Now his hair is below the waist if it is straightened. The boy uses almost half a bottle of conditioner at a time to achieve that terrific volume and even washes his hair with mineral water.

Source: Instagram screenshot

Miller started Farouk's Instagram account when he was just two years old, after one social media user used a photo of the boy without her permission. The long-haired boy's account instantly became a sensation, gaining tens of thousands of fans. Some parents said that Farouk inspired their children to grow their hair.

Source: Instagram screenshot

Bonnie says that besides allowing her son to be himself, he has changed the lives of many kids. He inspires children all over the world, but in his country his rights are infringed upon. Concerning the haircut, Farouk says: "Scissors are for paper, not hair." Miller's petition gathered nearly 1,000 signatures in just a few days.

Source: Instagram screenshot

Source: bigpicture

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