Millie Houlton, a 22-year-old college student, received a parking ticket from York City Council. The girl was upset because she realized that technically the ticket was issued by mistake. It occurred to her to turn to ChatGPT to "fight the system" and within minutes the chatbot had found a solution to the problem and wrote a letter of explanation. It worked and the fine was cancelled.

Millie Houlton.Source: trendymen

Millie later said that she had almost put up with having to pay the $60 fine. At that time, Houlton was extremely busy with her studies, and she could only contest the ticket with legal justification.

Source: trendymen

"I remembered about the buzz around the chatbot and just decided to give it a try. I described the whole situation in detail: pointed out that I was studying and that I parked on the street where my two-year student license, already paid for, allowed. The bot replied in about a minute," Houlton recalls.

Source: trendymen

The latest version of the bot's technology, GPT-4, is so smart that it successfully passed the bar exam. So the quasi AI gave the student the legally correct answer.

Source: trendymen

The bot drew up a detailed explanation, in which, with references to the New York's regional laws, it pointed out that Milly really shouldn't pay the fine on that street. All the girl had to do was send the letter to the Council. The next day she received a notice of the fine cancellation.

Next-level chatbots are becoming more advanced every day. Researchers believe that at least 300 million jobs will be automated in the upcoming years. People will have to look for new jobs.

Source: trendymen

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