When I arrived at hospital with contractions, my husband and I were expecting our fourth child. Although our family was already quite large we were over the moon to welcome our fourth baby.

Last time I welcomed twins, the two adorable boys, though no one in the family of my husband or mine has even had twins. So the main question (with a bit of humor, of course) during my forth pregnancy was, "What if there are twins again?"

Our grandparents weren't too enthusiastic about helping me with my brood. However, the scan showed that I was pregnant with one fetus.

Finally, everything was behind ...

My adorable baby boy was brought to me for feeding. A few minutes later I was quite surprised to see the worried chief of OB/GYN come into my ward. After a moment of silence, she said:

"Look, we have a problem… This morning an 18-year-old woman gave birth to a baby girl and abandoned her. She could barely walk after the labor, but she wouldn't stay in hospital even for a moment. She had a meltdown, so I had to let her go."

After another moment of silence, the obstetrician continued:

"The baby girl is so cute and healthy. And I know you really wanted twins. I came up with the idea... Why don't you take the baby? We'll write that she is yours..."

"You know I don't want to put the baby in foster care. She'll face huge stress..."

"Of course, it is illegal, and you can go through the formal adoption process, but it takes years, and it's not certain that you will adopt her."

I was really shocked...

The chief of OB/GYN was my acquaintance. She is a very nice and kind woman. We often met outside the hospital. That is why, she must have come to me with such a suggestion.

The life and destiny of the abandoned baby girl was at stake... I made the decision almost immediately!

"Oh," I said, "Alright! I have plenty of experience in raising twins. We are just short of the fifth child to even the score."

I said it jokingly, of course...

By the way, all my kids are boys, and my hubby dreamed so much of a daughter... It was in the 1990s; hospitals weren't controlled so much.

Source: 7ya

My Mary was registered as mine, the second twin. Of course, our parents were surprised but I came up with a plausible explanation saying that sometimes one fetus is hidden behind another, therefore, it can't be seen on the scan.

So our relatives did not ask a lot of questions, they were only surprised that I welcomed twins twice.

Of course, my hubby knew everything about Mary, and he approved of my decision. The funny thing is that Mary looks just like him, she has same blue eyes and blond hair.

Now that my kids have grown up, no one even suspects that Mary is not our biological daughter. And I forget it myself... Indeed, she is!

Source: kakao

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