This close encounter of a big black bear and a woman took place in a Mexican ecological park. Emerging out of the woods, a curious bear crept up to the group of tourists. The bear came to one of the girls, stood up on its hind legs, and hugged her. The hiker reacted as if she had such meetings every day. She just stood still and took a selfie.

The unusual incident is believed to have taken place in Chipinque Ecological Park in northwest Mexico. The visitors of the park are warned not to go far from the trails because lots of wild animals live there.

Source: YouTube screenshot

The girls wanted to see more wildlife, so they ignored the warning. Soon afterwards they met a black bear that was obviously very curious.

Source: YouTube screenshot

However, the hikers behaved very well. Black bears are characterized by unpredictable nature. To run or make loud noises would have been a mistake. So the whole group stopped in place.

The bear was most interested in one of the girls. He sniffed her for a long time and then got up on his hind legs and hugged her by the shoulders. The rest of the group froze in place.

The hiker was as cool as cucumber. She took out her phone and got a selfie with the wild beast.

Source: YouTube screenshot

And another member of the group recorded a video:

Source: trendymen

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