Banu Cengiz is a pharmacist in a local Turkish drugstore. In addition to her favorite job, the woman is a dog lover. Cengiz rescued her pet from the street several years ago, and she also helps other dogs.

Source: Banu Cengiz

Near the pharmacy Banu works at, she has set up a small corner for stray dogs where they can lie down, hide from the sun, drink water, and get treats. Cengiz does this out of kindness, and the local stray dogs already know that this woman will not hurt.

Source: Banu Cengiz

Banu has recently noticed a dog behaving unlike the rest. The doggie wasn't lying on the cushions, as all stray dogs do, but was right at the door, peering anxiously inside. The woman decided to check out what was wrong and immediately realized that the dog had come for help.

Source: Banu Cengiz

There was blood oozing from a wound on her paw. Banu welcomed the doggie into the drugstore, cleaned the pup's wound with antiseptic, stopped the bleeding, and gave the tailed patient antibiotics to prevent infection.

Source: Banu Cengiz

After the painful procedures, the patient couldn't contain her gratitude to Banu, wagging her tail. The pooch was left to sleep at the drugstore for the day, which Banu didn't mind at all.

Source: Banu Cengiz

She gave her guest food and water, and arranged a comfortable bed for her under her workplace. The grateful dog never stopped smiling!

Source: Banu Cengiz

Unfortunately, stray animals are far from uncommon in the area where Banu lives. "I couldn't take her home," Banu said. "I've been taking care of strays for years by feeding them, treating them, and helping them find homes, whenever I can."

Source: Banu Cengiz

At the end of the day the doggie was noticeably better and Banu let her return to the pack. The kennel she has set up for strays serves an important purpose. Passers-by can take in a dog. Let's hope that our fluffy heroine will find her own home very soon.

Source: Banu Cengiz

Source: petpop

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