Having fallen into an old, dried-up well, a poor 16-week-old doggie could no longer get out on his own.

Even during a routine walk in the woods, a pet can face danger. 16-week-old Zella, a young curious pooch from Danielson, Connecticut, was unexpectedly lost during a recent walk.

Source: South Killingly Fire Department

Terrified owners started searching for their beloved pet, and luckily it did not take them long to find her. On hearing pitiful whining from an old dried-up well they realized that their curious Zella had fallen 8 feet down to the bottom of the well.

Source: South Killingly Fire Department

The well was too narrow and deep, and the little one couldn't get out on her own. The owners immediately called 911, and an entire fire brigade came to rescue the trapped doggie.

Source: South Killingly Fire Department

Fortunately, local firefighters have specialized training in rope rescue, and this was exactly the case when it came in handy. One of the firefighters climbed down the rope into the well to get the dog out.

Source: South Killingly Fire Department

The recovery was successful. Half an hour later, after all the stress she had endured, a frightened but happy Zella was hugging the firefighters, thanking them for the rescue!

Source: South Killingly Fire Department

"The dog was in good spirits and unharmed," one of the firefighters, Joseph Lee, wrote on Facebook. "The owners were genuinely grateful to us for rescuing their pet."

Source: the dodo

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