One Saturday morning Kyle, a car mechanic, was working on a sedan in his Houston repair shop. Kyle was so focused on his routine work, so when he removed the tire, he was shocked at seeing something small and fluffy there. "A rat!" Kyle thought. The guy was already about to smash it, but then the creature meowed. It was the first time Kyle realized that he was a cat person.

Source: lovemeow

The newborn kitten was so tiny and helpless. Her navel string had not dried up yet, her eyes were closed, and the baby was crying pitifully all the time.

"I ripped off my work shirt like a superman and assembled a bed in my hat, scooped the little baby up into it and set her on my toolbox," Kyle recalls.

Source: lovemeow

Although Kyle was first bewildered, soon he was able to pull himself together. The kitten's life depended on him! Of course, getting rid of the kitten was out of the question.

Kyle asked himself how he was going to nurse that helpless creature.

Source: lovemeow

The man contacted his friend who worked at the vets' and received detailed instructions on how to nurse the newborn kitty. But the first thing he did was to make sure that no other kittens were in the vehicle. Kyle also checked the nooks and crannies of his workshop looking for the mama cat but the search yielded nothing. Moogy, as the kitten was later named, was the only guest. The baby was very demanding that is why Kyle had to revise his work schedule to take care of the little one.

Source: lovemeow

The kitten placed in a cardboard box with old towels fell asleep at one. After extensive search on the Internet and interviewing all the vets and cat owners he knew, Kyle, his wife, and his mother-in-law worked out a plan of action.

"My wife, my mother in law, and I spent hours reading online from multiple sources how to care for an orphaned kitten, combined everything we had learned to make a sensible care plan."

Source: lovemeow

The next day Kyle took Moogy to the vet. Fortunately, the kitten was healthy and she just needed being properly nursed.

"I started our every there hour feedings, pooping and peeing before and after meals and sometimes in between," Kyle says.

Kyle couldn't leave baby Moogy alone, that's why the car mechanic had master another profession. He's become a babysitter! Kyle takes the kitty to work with him and Moogy watches everything that her daddy does at his repair shop. But the most favorite Moogy's pastime is purring and sleeping in Kyle's shirt pocket. According to Kyle, the kitten has brought new meaning to his life.

"She's a ball of energy and feels stronger every time she eats. It is exhausting, but I regret nothing and will do anything to ensure her survival."

Source: lovemeow

As Moogy has grown up a little she follows her daddy everywhere. The kitty loves Kyle unconditionally and won't leave his side.

Source: lovemeow

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