An 18-year-old Afghan girl has been dressing as a boy for ten years to be able to earn money. This is how she provides for her five younger sisters.

Source: woman

Sitara Afadar, 18, has worn men's clothes every morning for ten years, six days a week. She currently works at a brick factory to feed her family.

Source: woman

In conservative Afghan society, women have few civil rights. Women are forbidden to work that's why they can't support themselves. This leads to their absolute dependence on men.

Source: woman

Sitara has five younger sisters and no brothers. As the large family became desperately in need of money, Sitara's parents forced their eldest daughter to get a job. But since women have no right to work in Afghanistan, Sitara has to dress as a young man.

Source: woman

Sitara makes 500 bricks a day in return for 160 Afghanis (about $2).

Source: woman

Source: woman

"My father always says 'Sitara is like my eldest son.' Sometimes… I attend funerals as his eldest son," something Sitara would never be allowed to do as a girl.

Source: woman

Although it might seem rather strange, this phenomenon is quite common in Afghanistan. It is called "bacha poshi" ("dressed as a boy"). According to tradition, a girl who has reached puberty can stop dressing as a boy and doing men's work if she wants to get married.

Source: woman

However, Sitara is not going to do that. She wants to continue working so that her younger sister does not have the same fate.

Source: woman

Source: woman

Source: woman

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