Simon Constantine from Great Britain wanted to buy a big house for a long time. Having found the illegible purchase, he went to inspect the property. In the back of the garden he found a wicket covered with ivy. The new owner of the mansion opened the rusty gate and walked into a place where no one had set foot in over four decades.

Source: mirfactov

Moving out of the city's hustle and bustle was Constantine's lifelong dream. He had been looking for a suitable home for a long time, and one day he was offered an estate that he fell in love with at first sight.

However, the way the realtor behaved seemed a little strange to the man. The realtor wanted to close the deal as soon as possible so that he was no longer obliged to visit the estate.

Source: BNPS

When Mr. Constantine found the gate, he discovered that behind it there was a hidden garden that remained untouched for forty years. The new owner was extremely surprised by such a lucky find. There he also found a plate on which there was an inscription '1970' that probably stood for the year of the garden's creation.

Source: BNPS

The new owner hired employees who cleared the area of junk.

Source: BNPS

The garden has had an extensive restoration. By the way, now the property brings the owner a profit since its entrance fee is $10.

Source: BNPS

Simon Constantine. Source: Instagram

Source: mirfactov

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