One can adore these world-famous actors and singers, but it is necessary not forget that they are human beings just like everyone else, with their own quirks and flaws. However, only their family, friends, and employees such as assistants, stylists, personal trainers, etc. know about these flaws. And some of them are willing to share their observations, of course, when their contract expires...

Ryan Gosling

According to those who have worked with Ryan in the past, he loves cruel jokes and pranks. For example, he likes to sneak up on an employee from behind and scare him to death.


Jennifer Lopez

According to Lopez's former employees, the singer is very demanding to the staff. Working for Lopez means working 12 hours a day, six days a week. Moreover, she is believed to underpay her staff and be extremely arrogant. Once J.Lo fired a maid who asked her for an autograph. Apparently, she has forgotten about the times when she was working as a maid in Manhattan.


Charlize Theron

According to insiders, Charlize is one of the worst star bosses. She looks down on her staff, refuses to make eye contact with these people and behaves as if they were absent in her home. Instead, she writes them notes ordering what needs to be done.


Lady Gaga

The singer's former assistant, who worked for her for two years, sued her in 2011, demanding $400,000 in overtime compensation. She said Lady Gaga literally enslaved her making her work day and night, be around all the time (including while the star is taking ice baths), serve towels, carry 20 bags of luggage, and be on call 24 hours a day.


George Clooney

George Clooney is notorious for being very suspicious. According to former house staff, George Clooney is very protective of his liquor bar and regularly suspects employees of stealing his high-end drinks.


Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress and creator of the Lifestyle Project Goop has taken a strange path in recent years, and her staff seems to feel the burden of it. Not only is Gwyneth an extremely demanding boss, but her orders are often unreasonable and strange. Imagine your boss demanding that you smell a vagina-scented candle or experience an experimental face mask that scares the hell out of you. Who needs that?


Britney Spears

Both personal house staff and hotel employees where Britney Spears has stayed have repeatedly reported that the singer is a terrible slob. Everyone knows she likes to take solace in junk food from time to time. But the problem is that she leaves half-eaten hamburgers between the sheets, French fries under the bed, and so on.


Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock tries her best to keep her personal life out of the public eye and it is understandable. But often the problems arise for her employees, who have to make sure that the actress and her two adopted children do not meet nosy paparazzi. And this is almost an impossible task! And being angry, Sandra is said to be scary.


Ellen DeGeneres

Former employees of the TV star have made some pretty serious claims. According to these insiders, Ellen is actually very mean and selfish when she's not in front of the cameras, and she has "an ugly, dark side and character you wouldn't believe." Rumors of a hostile work environment and alleged harassment have reached the press, and Ellen apologized for any inconvenience she might have caused. But unfortunately for Ellen, her fans are in no hurry to forgive or forget these incidents.



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