Plants can bring a touch of coziness and freshness to a garden, but the roots of some plants can cause problems, especially when they start ruining the pavement. If you are facing this problem, you may be wondering how to get rid of shrub roots. Their roots are usually very strong, so quite often they damage pavements, destroy building foundations, and make roads dangerous for traffic.

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Method one: cut down or prune

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In order to start fighting the problem, you need to identify its cause. If the roots are coming from nearby trees, you can simply cut them down or trim. But this can be expensive or require some professional involvement. In some cases, it is better to contact a professional.

Using herbicides

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Another method of root control is the use of herbicides. It is important to choose a product that will not harm other surrounding plants or the environment in general. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid the potential health risks.

Physical barrier

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This preventative method involves installing a physical barrier between the roots and the pavement. Metal or plastic barriers are usually used for this purpose.

How to make roots rot

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There are different ways to cause the roots of a small tree to rot. The first is to cut it off at ground level and remove as many roots as possible with a shovel or pickaxe. Then it is necessary to dig a deep hole in the ground and place the roots in it, without letting them dry out. Cover the hole with organic matter such as fallen leaves, manure or wood chips. This organic matter will help speed up the rotting process. Another method is to use root-killing chemicals. There are several products on the market specifically designed for this purpose. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and wear gloves as well as safety glasses.

Using natural products

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Natural products such as vinegar and salt can also help destroy roots. White vinegar is acidic and can kill plant roots.

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