In the middle of a deep forest, tourists came across an abandoned mansion, which seemed to be made of several buildings. The house looked more like a castle so they decided to enter. The door was easy to open, and inside the tourists turned on their camera. It quickly became clear that the unknown architect had built a real maze inside.

Source: trendymen

On the hallway table, the couple saw a pile of old papers. From them they learnt that the house was built on the remains of an abandoned castle and was abandoned at the end of the 19th century.

Source: trendymen

The building was originally purchased by a wealthy Iranian. He ordered to rebuild it into a building in Victorian style, but then the construction stopped. It is still unknown whether the man lost interest in the project, or simply run out of money.

Source: trendymen

The mansion was left abandoned in the middle of the woods, dilapidating with each passing decade. In the center of the building there is a giant spiral staircase, from which numerous corridors branch off.

Source: trendymen

The tourists spent about half an hour in the maze castle. Fortunately, they had recorded the video since after the tour of the mansion, they could not even find the exit. In addition, in some of the rooms some extraordinary things were found:

Being so interested in the castle the tourists sought information from the local municipality, and even thought about buying the old house in the future.

Source: trendymen

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