In June, Roland Rydstrom of Anchorage, Alaska, witnessed something that distracted him from his work. Waking up in the morning and opening the blinds, he found a moose and her two calves comfortably nestled in his backyard. The animals were lying on the grass, enjoying warm summer sunlight.

Source: Roland Rydstrom

Rydstrom knew that two female moose had become moms in the neighboring woods a couple of weeks earlier, but he only saw them pass by his yard.

Source: Roland Rydstrom

The new mom didn't look much bothered by the man's presence. She would not even look at Roland, as she was deeply absorbed with her kids. The moose seemed to be content with everything. The size of Rydstrom's backyard, the surroundings, and the quality of the lawn made a perfect nursery for the moose family. Taking advantage of the moment, Roland took a few pictures of animals that are not often seen just in a stone's throw from humans.

Source: Roland Rydstrom

On sitting down to work, Rydstrom expected the family to leave. But they would just change positions, putting one side or the other in the sunlight. "It was fantastic to see the babies lounging together," Roland recalls.

At one point, one of the calves knocked over his marigold pot as if scratching his nose on it. And as it tipped over, the baby's face beamed.

Source: Roland Rydstrom

Twice that day the moose family went to the woods and then came back again. On their way the animals tasted everything that was growing on Rydstrom's property. Curious moose have even tried to chew garden chairs like human babies who take everything in their mouths.

Source: Roland Rydstrom

At seven o'clock in the evening, Roland heard a loud noise and rushed to the window. It turned out that another, "rival" moose family had come into his yard and started attacking "his" moose. The mother and babies had no choice but to leave their place. Roland was even a little disappointed. He would be glad if the moose family visited him again one day.

Source: The Dodo

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