The name of the brave mother is Anatolia Vertadella. And she says that the birth of her seventeenth child named Francesco is proof of God's will.

She felt that God himself punished her when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. But now, He has again restored her ability to give birth.

Many doctors refused to operate on an elderly woman. Moreover, they have been criticized by their colleagues who finally took on this daunting task. After all, her life was hanging by a thread during the surgery.

Anatoliya and her baby

The head doctor Alexandro Popolichy did everything to fulfill the woman's wish. He performed an ovarian transplant in a private clinic in Turkey, since such a procedure is prohibited in the European Union.

Certainly, Dr. Popolichy was aware of all the risks, since the patient was 101 years old and took responsibility. But he left the final decision to doctor Vartadella.

Alexandro Popolichy believes that no one has the right to judge a woman, especially now, when the operation was successful. Italian women gave birth to a healthy and beautiful child. It looks nothing but a gift from God.

The doctor himself was disappointed in such a violent and negative public reaction. He draws our attention to the fact that in this world a lot of children are born unplanned. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the number of orphans. In contrast to such cases, Anatolia’s child is desired and will grow up with a loving mother. What could be wrong about it?

Besides, as Dr. Popolichy noted, ovarian transplant surgery is absolutely legal here in Turkey. The procedure was performed by several experienced surgeons under the guidance of Alexandro. The doctor noted that the patient is in excellent health for her age and predicts her long life.

Anatoliya and Francesco

The husband of this heroic woman died back in 1998. Therefore, she found a donor on the internet, who turned out to be a 26-year-old Catholic. The religious beliefs of the donor were very important for Anatoliya. She believes that the birth of this child is the realization of a great plan.

Before Anatolia, the oldest mother in history was Malegwale Ramokgopa from South Africa. She became the mother of twins at the age of 92.

Source: Storyfox

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