Like all new moms, Savannah Combs knew that her twin girls would be special. However, she had no idea how special and rare they would actually be.

The Ackermans. Source: Facebook

Twins Mckenli and Kennadi Ackerman were born with Down syndrome.

According to Pamela Trapein, the medical director of the Durand Genetics Centre at Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, twins with Down syndrome are extremely rare.

"Out of every 1,000 twin pregnancies, about two have at least one baby with Down syndrome," Dr. Trapein said.

Mckenli and Kennadi. Source: Facebook

"However, the chance of having twins with Down syndrome in both newborns is 1 in 5 million," she adds.

Combs, the twins' mother, says that she was warned that at least one of the girls may might have Down syndrome, but that was not confirmed by diagnostic testing.

"Since the chances of survival were not high, just waking up every day and finding out they were alive was a blessing to me," the girls' mother reported.

The twins were born on May 12, 2021, two months early. They remained at Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, for about six weeks.

Mckenli and Kennadi. Source: Facebook

The girls' mother said that her husband, Justin Ackerman, was first deeply concerned about the twins' diagnosis. But seeing that his wife was happy, he accepted her and the babies and said no matter what happened and how hard it was for them, he would not abandon them.

Mckenli and Kennadi with their daddy. Source: Facebook

According to the girls' mother, the 10-month-old twins have made "unprecedented progress." They go to physical and occupational therapy twice a week and will soon start crawling.

The 10-month-old twins have made unprecedented progress. Source: Facebook

Source: zen

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