Raising an authictic child is a huge challenge for any family. It takes an inhuman effort every day to make a child’s life in socium comfortable.

It’s especially difficult to teach an authictic child to talk. It takes just a titanic effort. Sometimes it takes months to learn just one letter, and even years for one word.

Such was the case with little Daniel Brandidge of Minnesota. The boy was born with autism and by the age of 4 was barely speaking, which made his parents very upset. They had a hard time teaching the boy to distinguish some letters. And in four years they have heard just a few words from him and are not very intelligible.

But one day, a miracle happened in the Brandidge family. Little Daniel spoke, except not quite ordinary. The boy's mother, Sheletta posted a video with her special son on her social networks. In the video, Daniel is singing a popular hit called - Old Town Road, performed by popular rapper Lil Nas X.

Sheletta said that at first she didn't even realize what was going on. At first she thought she was hearing things, but no - it was her son singing. But what had happened to him she didn't understand.

«I heard at first some humming and something indecipherable, and then the clear words of an Old Town Road song. And I heard it from my son, who has said five words in his life. It was an amazing experience," Sheletta shared.

She admitted that she wasn't just stunned when she heard it, she even cried and called her husband right away. «My tears flowed down my cheeks, like a river. I couldn't be happier," Sheletta summed up.

The next day, the woman published another video dedicated to Daniel. In the video she showed her son, who is almost ready to perform in public. Danielle sings the same song, but much more confidently.

For a mom, the progress of her autistic son was a real shock: «It took us more than 6 months for our son to memorize the letter A. We spent all our money and energy on therapists and various medications, but there were no special results. The push came from nowhere we didn't expect: not from doctors, but from the music itself.

Daniel's mom also said she shared her son's story with his doctors, and now they are trying to figure out how it was possible for the boy to talk, even if it's through songs. They are also trying to find more songs that would work in the same way.

Later on his page, Old Town Road performer Lil Nas X also shared his story. The singer said that he was happy to be a part of a small miracle for a special boy.

Moreover, in the comments to Sheletta's post, people began to write about similar cases in which music had such a miraculous effect on special children: «We had a similar story. A song from the popular movie "Scott Pilgrim" was the first one our daughter with autism sang. We were shocked at first too, but very happy». - writes a woman named Elizabeth.

«Our son learned to speak only through melodious songs too. In the beginning he also reproduced individual words, but later he sang entire songs - from beginning to end». - writes another woman named Jenny.

Doctors cannot yet explain such phenomena, but they admit that it is amazing when autistic children can speak, at least with the help of songs. This is a tremendous advance in the education of children with autism.

Source: ostrnum.com/

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