It's a beautiful story of friendship and great trust between a cat who's recently gave birth in foster care and a dog who had experienced the same thing in the past.

Kona and Freckles have met in foster care. The former is a dog who was eventually adopted by her foster mom, and the latter is a tabby cat who was taken in being heavily pregnant.

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Freckles had been a stray before she was taken in by the Animal Welfare League of Arlington, based in Virginia. In the care of her foster mom Asa, she was quickly loved by all members of her temporary family for her friendly disposition.

However, a special bond developed between her and Kona. Like Freckles, the dog had arrived at Asa's home being an expectant mom. She had given birth to her babies in a warm home, and her puppies joined their new families when they grew up. Kona has never left this house.

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Freckles has recently given birth to six wonderful kittens and immediately switched to mommy mode.

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When she heard the cries of the newborns, Kona couldn't wait to meet them, as she has always loved the little felines.

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Kona had the opportunity to see one of them thanks to an "oversight" on Freckles' part. Freckles often moved her kittens from the basket to the bathroom. One day, she left one of her kittens in the bathroom a little longer than usual. This allowed the dog to meet the baby that made her very happy. She wagged her tail happily as she watched this little creature. "She kept looking at me and the kitten as if saying, 'Mommy, look! I've found a baby," Asa says.

The only pet in the family that can get close to the kittens

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Since then, Kona has been able to check on the kittens frequently, unlike the other animals in the family. Freckles doesn't let any of them near her offspring. The dog is the only one who has her full trust.

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Kona's presence is precious for the kittens, whom she helps to socialize. Patient, caring, and affectionate, she has been accepted by the young felines.

Source: Instagram

Watch this adorable video:


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