Taking pictures of wildlife in Africa, photographer Roel van Muiden was able to capture an amazing shot. He took a photo of an adult rhinoceros who took pity on a zebra foal stuck in the mud. The rhino decided to help and pulled it out of the mud.

Source: Roel van Muiden

But this at first glance amazing and kind story has not a very happy ending.

Source: Roel van Muiden

Pulling the foal out of the mud the rhino broke the baby's spine and the foal died from the injury.

Source: Roel van Muiden

Roel was even accused of negligence. Some people thought that if he had helped the foal, it could have survived. But according to biologists, that zebra would die anyway, as its herd had gone far away, and a zebra foal cannot survive alone in the wild in Africa.

Source: Roel van Muiden

Source: chudesa

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