One cat man posted a video of his little kitty swimming with him in the ocean and made his pet an Internet star.

Mike Usher of St. John Island, Virgin Islands, has a kitty named Gracie. He says he found out pretty quickly that Gracie could swim.

"She wanted to be by my side all the time, no matter what I was doing," Mike says.

Source: Instagram

He rescued Gracie when she was only five weeks old. She was hiding in a hole in the wall. It was obvious the kitten was alone, so Mike adopted her.

"I needed a companion," Mike explained in the video. "And she was left without her mother, without her family. It was fate."

Source: Instagram

Mike leads a fairly active lifestyle, so he felt bad about leaving Gracie locked up all day long. So the cat learned to walk with him.

She even swims with her owner in the ocean!

Source: Instagram

"When I take her swimming with me, I always lay out a towel beforehand," Mike says. "She goes right to the towel. I heat a bottle of water in the sun and wash her."

Mike always carefully rinses off salt off Gracie after swimming in the ocean.

Source: Instagram

In addition to swimming together with her owner, Gracie likes climbing trees and playing around on the beach.

"When I have free time, I always take her to the beach," Mike says. "She runs on the beach with me. She gets smarter every day."

Source: Instagram

Mike admits that Gracie has made him a "cat daddy." Gracie even has an Instagram account dedicated to her adventures on the island.

Source: Instagram

"When she came into my life, I knew right away – I love her," he says.

Source: Instagram

Mike has a girlfriend, Erika, who lives in San Diego, California, and is also very fond of Gracie (and not jealous at all!). She also posts pics of her boyfriend's celebrity cat on her Instagram.

Source: Instagram

Have you ever seen a cat like this?


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