Meet Darby the pit bull who saved his owner's life.


James White was fishing on the shore of Bodega Bay in Sonoma County, California, when suddenly he got a nibble on his line. The catch was quite big, and he had to make an effort to stay on his feet. After a 10-minute struggle, he pulled a 6-foot shark to shore.


Impressed with his catch, James picked it up to unhook it, but the shark twisted and fell to the ground. As if realizing it was facing its final fight, the shark bit James' leg.

"Immediately there was blood everywhere, the first bite punctured an artery," White recalls. He started to call other fishermen for help, but they were a couple of hundred yards away.


Darby, a 100-pound pit bull was in James' car, and when he heard the noise, he jumped out through the open window and came to his owner's rescue. "He sank his teeth into the shark's gills and then repositioned and grabbed it by the tail," White said. "He pulled it off my leg."


Eventually, the shark let go of his leg, and James threw it back into the ocean. "If it wasn't for him I would have been a lot worse...He's been a part of the family from day one. Just now a little more," James shares.

Now White is on the mend, and you've got one more proof that a dog is a man's best friend.


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