There was a strange black object by the road side, which a passerby mistook for a black trash bag. But as the woman approached, she saw a frightened dog nestled among the blueberry bushes.

Source: Instagram

Shena spotted this suspicious-looking black "bag of garbage" on her way to work while she was driving along the highway. But as she pulled up, she realized it was a stray dog. The frightened poor thing was lying among the blueberry bushes and looked startled as the woman came up.

Source: Instagram

Shena noticed that the dog had one injured leg. She tried to get closer, but unfortunately, the skittish dog only ran away.

"At one point I lost sight of her and I became very concerned and started panicking. I was worried I lost her and she would be left to suffer alone and scared. I started jogging along the side of the blueberry field, looking down each row," Shena says.

After a while, Shena managed to find the doggie. She made a makeshift leash from what she found in her car and was able to take the pooch to her car. After that she immediately drove the dog to local RAPS vets for a checkup. Apart from an injured paw and being underweight, the doggie was fine, although extremely scared.

Source: Instagram

After all the turmoil, the pet was finally safe. Shena decided to adopt the doggie because she couldn't stand the idea of parting with her. The pet was named Blueberry because Shena found her in a blueberry field.

Source: Instagram

Blueberry is now a happy doggie. It's been a year since she was rescued. "Blueberry showed me how amazing, loving, and loyal dogs can be. I'm so glad we've found each other," Shena shares.

Source: the dodo

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