A jeweler was working in his workshop in Northern Italy when he noticed movement on his table. Carlo Fantozzi saw a diamond moving to the edge of the table as if by itself. He took a closer look and at that moment he saw an ant – it was trying to steal the gem.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Fantozzi didn't immediately stop the brazen heist but instead took his camera and filmed the whole thing. At close-up, you can see the ant is carrying a diamond weighing around 0.5 carat. Such gems can be worth about $1000.

Source: YouTube screenshot

The question remained as to why the ant needed the diamond. After Carlo posted the video on social media, it immediately went viral, and caught the attention of many people from around the world. It received a lot of comments and feedback.

Netizens suggested that the rock was covered with tiny remnants of sugar, or some other edible stuff that might have attracted the insect.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Carlo shared his thoughts about the incident and said he was amazed at how intelligent and organized ants can be. He also said that the incident showed just how attractive jewelry can be to insects, that can use it for their own purposes.

And if the jeweler hadn't turned around in time, the stone could have been lost forever somewhere in the depths of an ant hill. The ant was determined to carry it to the place known only to the insect:

Later the jeweler admitted that he had become more careful with jewelry after the incident. Indeed, nothing can be safe from ants.

Source: trendymen.com

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