No more brown stains on mugs, clothes, furniture, and carpets


If you left a coffee mug in the sink and didn't have time to wash it until a couple of days later, it's not going to be that easy to clean. To make it easier, add to your normal dishwashing detergent a bit of baking soda, which is a mild abrasive. Sprinkle it into a mug and rub with a soapy sponge.


Soak the stain or the whole thing in cold water for half an hour. Rub the affected spot with a stain remover to get rid of the coffee stain as best you can. Then wash as usual.

If the coffee had milk or cream in it, use a detergent with enzymes. You can also add chlorine bleach if the fabric permits. To find it out, check out the label: a crossed out triangle means you can't bleach.

Furniture upholstery

Mix a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent with two glasses of cold water. Soak a white cloth in this solution and rub the stain. Repeat the procedure until the stain is gone and then wipe the spot where it was with a clean, damp cloth.


Wipe up as much spilled coffee as you can with a paper towel. Then mix a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent, a tablespoon of white vinegar, and two cups of warm water. Rub the stain with a white cloth soaked in this solution. Apply a little at a time and periodically blot the surface with a cloth or towel. Continue until the stain is gone. Finally, wipe with a sponge soaked in clean water and then blot dry.


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