When Madison Collier of Georgia was eight weeks pregnant, she went to the hospital to have a sonogram. The doctor told her that she was going to have more than one baby. The woman thought she was having twins.

The four fetuses on the sonogram. Source: 11alive.com

But there were four fetuses in her womb. For Madison and her husband Justin, the news came as a complete surprise. They had not used IVF or taken any special medications. There have been no cases of multiple pregnancies in their families.

Madison said that when Justin found out about the quadruplets, he lay down on the floor in order not to faint. But their 4-year-old daughter, Ayla, was ecstatic about such news. "Well...lots of kids is great. There will be someone to play with," she said.

The babies were born at 28 weeks of gestation. Source: 11alive.com

The babies were born at 28 weeks of gestation. Doctors said the two boys and two girls were identical twins. The odds of giving birth to two sets of identical twins are 1 in 15 million!

Beautiful siblings. Source: 11alive.com

Conceiving quadruplets naturally is also rare: one case per 700,000 pregnancies. In most cases, medical technology is needed to keep such a pregnancy.

The happy family. Source: 11alive.com

The newborns spent two months in the ICU, then they were discharged from the hospital on different days. The parents took a long time to choose names. Madison wanted them to be unique. In the end, the sons were named Wilder Shepherd and Calloway Silas, and the daughters were named Iris Annabel and Eliza June.

Sweet babies. Source: 11alive.com

Madison confessed that once when holding her daughters she realized she couldn't tell them apart. She had to use bracelets and pacifier clips with the babies' names.

Source: 11alive.com

Source: 11alive.com

The couple had problems with diapers and moving around with the babies. Madison says it took about 40 diapers a day, maybe more. The couple used to travel with their children in two cars because they didn't have a car that could fit five baby seats.

Source: 11alive.com

Justin's brother organized a fundraiser on the GoFundMe platform to help the Collier family. Now they need a home and a bigger car. The couple have a social media account where they show their life with the quadruplets.

Source: 11alive.com

Source: 11alive.com

Source: ntdtv

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