A garbage collector spotted a struggling puppy being carried by the strong current. The man rushed to the river, hoping to catch the baby in time.

Said Zarate, a garbage collector from Mexico, was driving his truck through an agricultural area with his co-worker. As he drove past a small canal, he spotted someone moving in the water.

Source: Said Zarate

It was a small puppy, floundering about in the water as it was carried by the swift current. Without hesitation, the man jumped out of the truck, grabbed an empty bag for the puppy to grip it, and rushed toward the water. He hoped to catch the baby in time.

Source: Said Zarate

The puppy was too exhausted from the long swim to grip on the bag but the man didn't give up. Eventually he was able to pull the pup out of the water.

Source: Said Zarate

In gratitude to his rescuer, the happy doggie leaped into the man's arms. The little guy was so happy to be rescued that he couldn't hide his emotions!

Source: Said Zarate

"Look at how beautiful this dog is! We'll put you in the truck and take you to the ranch," Zarate said.

This dramatic rescue was captured on video:

Then Zarate took the puppy with him and started looking for his owners. It turned out that the puppy lived on a ranch nearby. He must have accidentally fallen into the canal while playing. Now the pooch is safe and sound at his loving home. He is so grateful to the man who saved his life!

Source: petpop

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