Dogs are our closest and most loyal friends. They are always around us ready to help their beloved owners. Most pets are taken in as tiny puppies. However, in just a year or two they become adult dogs which can impress with their enormous size. But grown up doggies don't always realize how big they've actually become. Take a look at these cute four-legged friends who probably don't realize their actual size and still think they're little pups.

This little girl is so lucky to have such a faithful friend. The girl is getting older, but her doggie is growing up even faster.

Source: lemurov

The little ball of fluffy happiness turned into a big fluffy ball.

Source: lemurov

This doggie does not understand why his beloved mommy no longer wants to take her baby in her arms.

Source: lemurov

This pooch is quite puzzled. Although everything seems to be as usual, the window sill appears too small now. The poor thing barely fits in his favourite place.

Source: lemurov

Time has changed both the owner and his faithful four-legged friend. Both have grown up and become handsome adults.

Source: lemurov

This adorable dog flatly refuses to move back, because as a puppy he would always sit in the front seat with his owner. But times are changing.

Source: lemurov

This little fluffy cutie suddenly turned into a big but no less cute doggie.

Source: lemurov

Meet Princess and her loyal guard. The little girl has grown up and the guard has grown stronger and more experienced.

Source: lemurov

We bought a tiny puppy but it grew into a huge beast resembling a real bear!

Source: lemurov

The owner used to carry the doggy in her arms but now the pet can carry his mommy.

Source: lemurov

The changes in these dogs are so cute! And how do your pets change?

Source: lemurov

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