One day a landlord spotted a scared abandoned dog while inspecting one of the houses the tenants had recently moved out of. The doggie's owners must have got rid of the dog by leaving the pet in the house...

A St. Louis resident reported the dog to the local rescue service. The landlord said that he found the dog in one of his houses, from which the family had moved out a couple of weeks ago. The poor thing was dumped in such a cruel way. He had been living in the house all this time, and when he saw people, he got scared.

Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

When the rescuers arrived at the house, they saw the frightened dog hiding near the stairs. It was the place where he was abandoned. Fortunately, the doggie was able to survive the two long weeks. His former owners were kind enough to leave him bowls of food and water. At first, volunteers tried to gain the dog's trust by throwing him treats. The hungry pooch ate them all at once though still was afraid to come close.

Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

But after several attempts, the dog trusted the volunteers and allowed them to be taken to their car. According to the shelter staff, the dog is a 2-year-old Boxer mix. He was named Freon. Despite being trapped in the house for such a long time, Freon was fine. A few days later, this cutie was admired by everyone around him. He has a very kind and outgoing nature.

Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

That is why he did not have to wait too long for a new home. Now Freon lives with his loving family where he will never be hurt. This faithful boy deserves unconditional love.

Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

Thank you for saving him!

Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

Source: petpop

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