A Chinese peasant Xu Yun fulfilled his dream of buying a Tibetan Mastiff puppy. This is a rare breed, whose representatives are known for their excellent ability to protect the property of their owners.

The man who sold the puppy assured the peasant that it was a purebred Mastiff. But when the doggie was brought home, the man realized that something strange was going on. The animal preferred to eat watermelons and kept everybody awake at night, making sounds similar to roaring.

Source: mirfactov

The guy bought the pup when he was on a business trip to another city. He decided to give his wife and children such a gorgeous gift. However, hardly had two months passed when the puppy started eating fruit and climbing trees and nearby buildings.

The family decided to put the pup in an enclosure, which was set up in the backyard. Then Yun paid attention to the strange sounds that his pet was making. Finally, the man went to a vet.

Source: mirfactov

The specialist immediately realized what was wrong. He said that instead of a dog, Xu Yun had been sold a bear. When the cub grew into a large bear it was handed over to a wildlife protection organization. The animal won't survive in the wild, because it still resembles an adorable puppy.

Source: mirfactov

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