Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are one of Hollywood's most beautiful couples. For more than 30 years, the actor has been a perfect family man: a faithful, loving husband and a caring father. Let's take a look at how this exemplary union was born.

Getting to know each other: love through the screen

According to Hanks, he first met Rita in 1972, when she took part in the fourth season of the sitcom the Brady Bunch.

Rita Wilson in the Brady Bunch TV series. Source: pulse

At that time TV series were just coming into fashion, and this particular one was aired in the daytime and its audience were the teenagers returning from classes.

Hanks loves to recall that one day he went to his friend's place and saw a beautiful girl on the screen. It is quite surprising that 16-year-old Hanks managed to recognize Wilson, as her role wasn't the leading one. As it turned out later, he really liked the blonde.

Becoming an actor to find his love

To see Wilson in person, Tom made up his mind to become an actor. With almost no effort, he became quite a sought-after actor and got the lead role on his third project. On the set of Bosom Buddies TV series, he finally met Rita.

Source: pulse

However, at that time the young people had nothing more serious than flirting. Tom was in a relationship with actress Samantha Lewes, who gave birth to his son Colin, and was pregnant with their second child.

Source: pulse

Three years later, Tom and Rita reunited on the set of Volunteers. Hanks already had three major roles, and Rita was content with occasional glimpses in the series. Wilson was lucky to get a role in a comedy with John Candy and Tom Hanks. This film helped her not only with her acting career but also with her personal life.

Source: pulse

At that time Hank's first marriage was on the verge of break-up, so the actor started courting Wilson. Tom quickly realized that all his life he had been waiting for Rita and wanted to spend the rest of his life only with her. Before the wedding, Hanks met the bride's numerous relatives. This moment the couple immortalized in the comedy My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which they produced and filmed by themseves.

Wilson has brought Hanks good luck

Source: pulse

After the wedding, luck followed Tom in everything. He won numerous awards, and Rita, having decided to stay out of the spotlight, did her best to support her husband. Over the years the couple have faced many problems, but they have always stayed together. During the pandemic, they both caught a coronavirus, which brought a lot of distress to their fans.

Rita and their kids were especially worried about Tom, because the actor had type II diabetes. After an intensive therapy in the hospital, the couple spent two more weeks in self-isolation. To everyone's delight, they recovered and returned to America. That's how COVID-19 brought a lot of anxiety into the couple's life and made their kids and grandkids worry a lot.

Source: pulse

To tell the truth, these two are just as much in love as they were at the beginning of their married life. They always look affectionately at each other. We can only be happy for them, and we wish everyone the same relationship!

Source: pulse

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