Last month rap icon Eminem, aka Marshall Bruce Mathers III, celebrated his 50th anniversary. It's hard to believe that the forever young Slim Shady turned 50 and now has a beautiful adult daughter, and quite possibly will soon become a grandpa. However, the singer's appearance seems not to have changed over the past 20 years. So what is the secret of Eminem's eternal youth?

Some people believe that Eminem doesn't age because the greedy producers show look-alikes instead of him while the real rapper has retired or even died a long time ago. But in fact, the singer's close friends and most loyal fans confirm that it is the Eminem we all love that still performs.

But how can he remain so young looking?

Source: bigpicture

There are two perfectly scientific explanations for why we're all aging and Eminem seems to be forever stuck in his teens. It is believed that Eminem is an ageless person, i.e. the one whose age cannot be visually identified. There are quite a few of them among celebrities. For example, British actor Eddie Redmayne in his 30s looks like a young guy.

Eddie Redmayne is already 35 in this photo. Source: bigpicture

On the other hand, Sophia Loren can also be considered ageless because her aging seems to have stopped in her 60s and she's looked the same over a decade.

Sophia Loren seems to be frozen in time. Source: bigpicture

Of course, good genes are of great importance in this matter. But if a person's won a genetic lottery, but leads an unhealthy lifestyle, he is unlikely to look youthful in his 50s. Considering Eminem's addictions in his youth, the second hypothesis sounds more plausible.

Source: bigpicture

Bearded Eminem still looks young. Source: bigpicture

In fact, there are lots of photos in which Eminem's appearance changes drastically in a very short time. They are the main reason for the rumors about the celebrity's look-alikes. However, some experts tend to believe that Eminem's plastic surgery is the culprit.

Source: bigpicture

Moreover, you can find numerous pics on the net, where Eminem looks old. It is likely that not all cosmetic procedures have gone smoothly.

Source: bigpicture

But who says Eminem can't take advantage of plastic surgery?

Source: bigpicture

Source: bigpicture

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